"Bauge creates embodied experiences re-imagining identity, time and places. She draws upon deeply personal observations in a fierce and poetic way, inviting for constant reconsideration and reframing our shared world".
Joy Harris (Experimental Action, Houston)
Larysa Bauge is a performance artist raised in Belarus and currently based in Amsterdam(NL).
She was trained as a musician since early age, performed as an ensemble conductor, composed scores for films and worked as a DJ.
At the age of 19 she runs off to Spain with 1 suitcase. There she lives a life of an illegal immigrant while studying conducting of an orchestra and composition at CSMM in Malaga.
At the age of 27 being disappointed by the classical music world and particularly misogynistic character of conducting of the orchestra faculty, she turns to performance art and obtains her master degree at TIME (music and theatre) department at the Royal Conservatory of the Hague.
Bauge’s work is shown internationally in museums, art spaces and festivals including:
Venice International Performance Week, Oslo Performance Art Festival, Riga Performance Art Festival Starptelpa, New Delhi Contemporary, Istanbul Performance Art and Experimental Actiom Houston among others.
a r t i s t
s t a t e m e n t
Ultimately my work challenges the nature of the concept of belonging, roots, the necessity of being part of something bigger, a family, a tribe, a community. Strongly influenced by the socially engaged and feminist art, I work directly with the context. Much like an anthropologist I gather field data. The material comes in form of interview, collective music making, embodied practices. The themes of womanhood, motherhood and gender roles became especially pronounced in my work. I am particularly interested in the relationship between socially constructed ideals and the lived experience.